Changing the Rules

In what was the biggest turnout to date at The Cage, there has to be some adjustments to existing rules. There was simply no way to fit 18 players inside, with 9 on each side. Instead of playing it in league style with win, draw or lose, the games played became similar to a knock-out tournament. Divided into three teams with six players each, the team who conceded the first goal exit and let the other team take over. In the players’ own term, the RULE was “First Goal Out”.
Naturally, the first 12 players who went into the Cage started first. A writer from CEP (sorrie, not good at remembering names), U.N.C.L.E., Wenchong, Alvin, Ahmad and Raphael (Team 1) played against Weiming, Daniel, Chris, Yaohan, Kelvin and Chin (Team 2). Team 3 was made up of Simon, Melvin, Rongming, GK, Patrick and Jusri.
Before any of the players settled down to play, Raphael put one into the back of the net and out came Team 2. With all the action coming on fast and furious, Simon said today’s scorer sure to be Raphael. So are you gunning for the Golden Boot?
Seconds after Team 3 entered the fray, Ahmad a.k.a Wayang King fell theatrically when challenged by Melvin, who quickly followed up with a shot that hit the upright.
Two minutes later, U.N.C.L.E. made a point-blank save while Raphael’s shot was blocked by GK. The heroics in U.N.C.L.E. were calling. He conjured out another point-blank save against Rongming. Next, he cleared Melvin’s attempt off the line!
In the 23rd minute, Chin’s goal knocked Team 1 out of the Cage. This is beginning to look like Cup ties. The atmosphere was totally different compared to the usual game. Barely five minutes later, U.N.C.L.E.’s clean sheet was no more as Rongming put his name into the scoresheet. Raphael commented that he hasn’t even touch the ball yet.
While waiting for one of the teams to be knocked out, Wenchong started to “impart” his playing technique/tactics to Raphael. In the meantime, Ahmad’s crown jewels were hit, as he dramatised the entire incident. There will always be plenty to laugh about with Ahmad around.
Five minutes after the half-hour mark, Chris mustered a splendid save in between the sticks and Glyn cheered loudly. This was followed by a collision between Chris and Simon. U.N.C.L.E. exclaimed “Two tankers lang ga ah!”
Outside, Raphael was sneaking glances at the clock. At 8.35, he commented “We have 25 minutes left”. Inside, however, time was not an issue. Kelvin’s shot at goal was cleared by Chin, while Rongming’s effort hit the upright. Ahmad had more tricks up his sleeves as he made his opponents confused. With Remesh out with an ankle injury, he could soon be the most vocal person in the cage.
Kelvin was bent on proving his critics wrong this week. He did extremely well to shield the ball from Rongming. At 8.50pm, Raphael, who has been turning his head towards the clock the entire time was counting down. “Ten minutes left!” And Jusri came out with a shot that was saved by Daniel. Our debutant hero was playing with an injured knee. He came out shouting for medic and I could only reply that I haven’t got my physiotherapy degree yet. I did psychology, not physiotherapy the last time.
Team 3 was apparently lacking in fitness and stamina. Totally exhausted, they willingly came out of the Cage for Team 1 to get a chance to play. Father Patrick obviously hasn’t had enough, as he said Wenchong asked me to come out so that his own team could play.
With six minutes remaining, Raphael’s dipping shot failed to find the target. Neither did Alvin’s effort, four minutes later. Before I knew it, U.N.C.L.E. was on the ground again. Why do you have to undo the positive image that you took pains to build up from the start of the game?