Showdown Delivery Service

Had to deliver episode 10 of Showdown for Alvin, so Showdown Delivery Service made a trip to Grande Vista during the boys' almost weekly game there. Turned out to be the opening ceremony of my new toy.

"Ronaldino" was there to play. But he was wearing the wrong jersey. For the record, he said he hasn't put on "the BIGGER" one when we were talking about his hairband. At one point, when he was standing behind the goalpost, there was lacking a player in the arena. "Ronaldino" was saying, "I here, I here!" When it's time to KO, Rongming and "Ronaldino" of them chose to pose before starting, making all the players wait for them.

Peter commented that I finally brought a camera down. Well, it's opening ceremony for my new toy. He had wanted a pictures on this blog for a long time, and I believe he wasn't the only one. But something has gotta give, so with pictures come lesser words. Afterall, a picture speaks a thousands words. Guess my timing was perfect. Peter and his friend both had new boots on tonight. YELLOW!!


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