A Little Less Conversation...A Little More Action

What do you get when you put a bunch of men in an enclosed area with a ball? Easy...they play...hmmm with a little less conversation and a little more action.

I went "uninvited" to some friends’ football game at The Cage - Singapore First Indoor Soccer Stadium. They have already KO when I reached. Sitting down as I watched the game unfold, the Nike ad filmed four years ago started replaying itself in my head. I’m sure everyone remembered it - the one where Eric Cantona starred with other footballers sponsored by Nike.

Enclosed in a cage, it was no ball picking, no throw-ins, no corners and no goal kicks. No man in black and men with flags. So the game went on and on and on and on….

There were nice touches here and there, some cheeky back-heels, some looping balls that would turn into goals in a stadium. With the ball at their feet, some shot on sight, some took it down to the bye-line before looping it over for the poachers. And in all football games, there were brilliant saves, and splendid goals.

As the game wore on, trickery exuded from those who have a little more skills and stamina. Those exhausted turned pedestrians. Soon, keepers came out of their area and handled the balls. Oh well! No penalty was given, no red cards and definitely no yellow cards.

Some got whacked by the ball, on all parts of their bodies…and I do mean all parts as one came out of the cage with a RED ear – a deeper crimson than Rudolph’s nose!! But I’m sure their royals jewels are well-protected by themselves.

When the hour is up, some were glad to get out of the cage in one piece. A few felt they haven’t played that hard in a while. And of course there were the rare few who felt they haven't had enough.

It was overall more than enjoyable for this bunch of guys, who became boys the moment they stepped onto the pitch. Stepping out…they were transformed…the exhaustion sunk in… and boys…for those who are not in very good shape, bear in mind that those calf muscles will ache. That’s what artificial pitches do. And that’s why Eric Cantona said “The losers go home! Bye!”

Thanks for the enjoyable night...the performance wasn’t top notch, but the effort is!


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