On the Sideline

After a “tough” journey, I finally arrived at The Cage with office mummy. While she became the Security for the Boys (take care of the barang in the picture), I finally get to see how the Boys KO inside the Cage. With both teams decided (Chris, Wenchong, U.N.C.L.E, Peter in one team, Daniel, Alvin, Chin and Remesh – I hope I got it right), it was fun time for them and Wenchong immediately forced Daniel into punching the ball away. U.N.C.L.E. refused to let Wenchong hogged the limelight, but his shot hit the upright two minutes later.

Rongming and another guy (Algan??) arrived fifteen minutes later and they were playing with five-a-side. If I’m not wrong, Wenchong finally broke the deadlock in the 24th minute from an acute angle. Rongming then made his presence felt as he sent his shot past Chris, the keeper on our side. This keeper seemed to have become stiff after a long lay-off and nearly caused the ball to roll into the back of his own net. Luckily he managed to recover in time. Sensing this off-form keeper, Daniel sent the ball looping into goal, not once but twice.

Suddenly, the sideline became more happening than the ongoing game with the arrival of Junior. The “Referee” played Elvis’ “A Little Less Conversation” and dedicated it to Junior. To quote him, “This song specially for you”. Whow!! Speaking of this, I told mummy about how a footballer wanted to get Sailorgirl’s handphone number today. He refused to let her leave the filming premises until he gets her number. Hahaha!

Back to the game, I finally saw U.N.C.L.E. scored a goal and suddenly the scoreline was 10-7 in the 47th minute. Two minutes later, Remesh finally put one past Chris after several failed attempts, and so did Alvin, who was wearing his China jersey. If he had not been a leaky goalie towards the end of the hour, it would be tough to choose who is a better keeper, Admond or Chris. No offence to Daniel, who has established himself as a rock in between the sticks.

At the sideline, Raphael arrived with ten minutes remaining. Mummy was like “Wah lau, now then come!” Best part…he brought the wrong shoes and can’t play. Ouch! But mummy and Junior were quickly distracted by the Ang Mohs arriving. One of them had a tattoo of three tigers at the side of this tummy (like Ljungberg).

Moments later, he started to change out of his track pants in front of us! Whow! The Official Media apologise for being distracted. But it’s not everyday that you see Ang Moh changing pants in public! Raphael, you better thank Lady Luck for sending the Ang Mohs your way. If not, you would have had a tough time dealing with the Media!!

Sr & Jr plus Sailor Girl


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