Of hits and misses

With the PSI lurking around the unhealthy zone, I couldn’t help but wonder “will there be KO at The Cage tonight?” But the spirit of our boys remained unimpeded as the official media team went on a scouting trip for a new player. The Cage has been a hit with our boys.

The media team missed the unveiling of the rookie, with regrets. A “player” who has been with the “boys” for a long time decided to hang up “his boots”. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new ball. The new “player” was a big hit with the team. The level of seriousness took to a new level. Raphael’s weak attempt at goal was being shouted at. Lame attempts at goal are a BIG “NO! NO!”

With the haze acting on everybody’s respiratory system, the frantic pace of the game from last week was gone. There was more interaction between team members. It now boiled down to skills and techniques. With the periods of short breaks, strategies and tactics emerged. Players began to shout for the ball.

If lethargic was the name of his game last week, sheer accuracy ruled his turf this week. Given only five chances at goal, Raphael converted all five! Added to those he created, would he be our Man-of-the Match this week? Well, he faced stiff challenge from Wenchong with nippy footwork and sheer accuracy. Alvin too, created goals. It takes a footballer to know a footballer.

U.N.C.L.E. brought us an encore telecast of “Go for a draw!” We figured that it will always be “encore telecast” as he always seems to be on the losing teams. Could the problem be him? Always hiding in his corner, he squandered five chances at goal! U.N.C.L.E. If it hurts, it must be the truth – your aim not accurate!

With chances at goal coming in fast and furious, Aaron surrendered earlier than those who are older than him! But he returned without shoes, but with a vengeance and made a couple of good saves. Not long after, Simon went down and out with an “injured” palm. With no ice-pack around, he managed to find a “sub” for the ice-pack! An ingenious idea from Junior!

The third casualty was Wenchong, who actually went down for a couple of moments. Back up on his feet after a while, his feet were doing the talking in a while! Though it was hits and misses from the rest, one player really takes his game seriously. He never fails to protect his crown jewel every time he tried to block the ball! You know who you are!!

Sr. & Jr.
The Official Media Group


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