I’m My Own Press
As the alarm clock went off, I jumped out of bed. The Media can’t be late for this game coverage. U.N.C.L.E. said Captain Chin wanted all to report to Cage at 7.45am and so said the clock while I was at the last junction, waiting for the light to change. With my stomach growling, I bluffed myself that the reporting time referred to players only and not me. So I bought my breakfast before driving my way in, praying that they (our team) won’t KO without me. Spotting Chin, I quickly found out that Biao Shu has just reached with U.N.C.L.E. We quickly settled down at the nearby coffeeshop and waited for others to arrive. The clock ticked by as Biao Shu wolfed down his fried noodles, and Ian made his appearance. He told us he had a bottle of volka last night and U.N.C.L.E. started worrying about Ian being dehydrated. The topic then changed to how to punish Raphael who wanted everyone to report at 7.45am. U.N.C.L.E. suggested that Raphael play without his underwear, but Biao Shu said he might...